Saturday, February 18, 2012

Vince Russo is gone from TNA

 By Carlos M Reynosa

After years and years of “Fire Russo” chants, the audience finally has their wish as Vince Russo is gone from Total Non-stop Action (TNA.).

Russo is better known as the head writer for the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) in 1997. Under his creativity Russo created the “Attitude Era,” an era that caused the WWE to take the lead in Monday Night rating war against World Championship Wrestling (WCW).  Russo helped developed stars that are forever known, such Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock and Degeneration X.

In 1994 Russo left WWE to be the head writer for WCW’s creative team. It was there where his creativity was questioned with storylines such as “The powers that be,” and PG13. Many wrestlers and wrestling fans believed that Russo’s success was due to guidance of the Chairman of the WWE at the time Vince McMahon. Although Russo did develop these characters, it was McMahon that approved the storyline to be aired on the show.  Some would even go as far as to say his leadership is what caused the demised of WCW.

The Criticism continued through his career when he became the head writer for TNA. As a result of Russo being either released or constantly reassigned, it’s hard to say which unsuccessful storyline was his. However, because of his creditability and his relationship with the founder of TNA Jeff Jarrett and President of TNA Dixie Carter, it is safe to say that he had some say in the matter. What also made wrestlers and fans questioned his creativity when he accepted Christianity in his life. Because of this recent change in his life, Russo regrets creating the “Attitude Era” and has been developing storylines under a new perception. As a result, the fans had difficulty following the storylines which made them hard to relate to.

When it was announced that Hulk Hogan was coming to TNA with Eric Bischoff as execute producer, fans speculated when would Russo would be gone. Although Russo has changed since working for TNA, the three still had a bad relationship when working in WCW. In transition to his departure Bruce Prichard was directing the creative team, in which some fans are saying it is great improvement.

This is a good chance to see how TNA could stand on its own with out the guidance of Russo. It is also a great opportunity for the fans to see how much stroke Russo had in company and if there is any difference to his departure. Of course fans can always start chanting fire Hogan or Bischoff

Monday, February 13, 2012

Should Medusa return to the WWE

Should Medusa return to the WWE

By Carlos M Reynoss

Debrah Ann Miceli; also known as Alundra Blayze in the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) or even better know in World Championship Wrestling (WCW) as Medusa. Has been campaigning herself in the wrestling media to encourage the WWE have her wrestle the Diva’s champion Beth Phoenix. Medusa believes that the WWE creative team hasn’t been promoting Beth or the Diva’s division properly and feels she would be a good challenge for the Glamazon. However, because of Vince McMahon’s mood swings and Medusa’s incident with the WWE. No one is sure if they would agree to her idea.

For those who are unaware of the history between Medusa and the WWE, Medusa was at the time in World Wrestling Federation (WWF) under Alundra Blayze. In December 1993 she became the face of the woman’s division by becoming the first Woman’s champion in over 3 years. However, in 1995 Blayze was given a better offer and jumped to WCW. Blayze or Medusa at this point was still the WWF’s Woman’s Champion but instead of relinquishing the title back to the WWF, she publicly dropped the title in a trash can on television. Medusa’s incident not only disrespected the WWF, but it caused the woman’s division to be inactive for three years. After this, Medusa was blacklisted from what is now WWE, a company that holds 90% of the media.

Years have pass, and Vince McMahon has been known to forgive wrestlers that have wrong him in the past.  However, should he allow her back in the WWE for one night? It would be  great to bring closure into this matter and the storyline would be interesting to watch. A wrestler from the past who never lost the belt against today’s dominant champion would be interesting on paper.The divas champion responded to Medusa's taunt with taunts of her won, but hasn't given an offical answer to the challenge.  But how interesting would be in today’s audience who is too young to remember of either Medusa or Alundra Blyaze. One must consider the match itself, what type of shape is Medusa in? Logically she can’t perform the way she used to in the 90s, but can she perform enough to entertain the audience.

And then there are audience that does remember, the bloggers that have their opinion on this matter. Will they accept this storyline or reject it with passion? Personally I would believe this something new to watch in the diva’s division. But what do you think?

Friday, February 3, 2012

Impact 2/2/12

Impact 2/2/12

By Carlos M Reynosa

It was an American invasion as Total Non-stop Action (TNA) hosted “Impact” in the UK. It is always an excitement to watch an American wrestling organization being promoted in other country. Especially for TNA, as they are more known in other countries than in the United States. Also because you never know the reaction you get from the audience.
An example would be Austin Aries who wrestled against an English wrestler named Mark Haskins. One would assume because of Haskins would have the UK’s support, especially when he promoted the UK to be the best place to wrestle. However, the fans supported Aries instead as he came out with an impressive win.
Another impressive match was the tag team match between the tag team champions Crimson and Matt Morgan, vs Soma Joe and Magnus. These two teams have been impressive to watch as the fight over the tag team titles. However, to keep this rival interesting, the match contested under a stipulation. Soma Joe and Magnus, who won the coin toss, were allowed to wrestle together while the loser of the coin toss will have to compete in the traditional tag match. Kind of like a handicap for tag teams but the partners can be tag in. Because of the size and speed of Crimson and Morgan, they were able to fend off their opponents despite the unique stipulation. However, as much as they fought hard, they were no match for the double team.  
            The father and son feud between Eric Bishcoff and Garret Bischoff have developing nicely, now that Hulk Hogan returned to reveal himself as Garrett’s Trainer. Hogan hasn’t been seen on TNA’s television for months due to other project and back injuries.  However not that he has included himself to this storyline, loyal Hogan fans will be more interested to see how it will play out.

As for the storyline for the TNA world title, Sting announced that the TNA champion Bobby Roode will compete in a four way dance at against All Odds. This was due to the consist interference of Roode and Bully Ray to keep Cowboy James Storm and Jeff Hardy from being the number contender. So it would make for Sting to have all of them faced each other in one match. To add further into the rivalry, Sting had James face both Bobby Roode and Bully Ray in separate single matches on the same night. The Cowboy did the best that he could to fight in both matches. But even with Sting by his corner with black cricket instead of his baseball bat. Storm could not handle the interference of both matches.

In the end TNA was amazing show, because its arena was surrounded by new energetic fans and there interesting concept. Although TNA could only go on the road a few times, this is something that most fans feel should happen to keep the show interesting.