Sunday, November 13, 2011

reading spoiler alerts

            A brief review of this week’s episode of Raw, Impact, and Smackdown. Plus on opinion on why I prefer to watch wrestling without reading the spoiler alert first.
By Carlos M Reynosa
            This week’s wrestling wasn’t entertaining for me as I watched all three episodes and only found Smackdown exciting.  The Muppets were amusing as they were promoting their first movie in 12 years “The Muppets.” They had a sense of humor that hasn’t been seen in both Hollywood entertainment and wrestling entertainment in a long time. I enjoyed Satino Merlla’s involvement with the Muppets and found interesting to learn that Shamuoes and Beeper are distant cousins.
However what bored me was after months in advance, the Rock agreed to team up with John Cena at Survivor Series. The rest of the night felt predictable and I believe it was due to the advertisement that was already announced. That is the downfall of reading spoilers, once read the magic and mystery of the show is gone and there is no point in watching the show. As wrestling reviewer it is important to know all the news and get it out there as quickly as possible, however, as a wrestling fan it’s more important to be surprised by the out come then to know it.
In impact wrestling fans were already aware of Robert Roode wining the World heavy weight title two weeks in advance. Granted it encouraged fans to watch it, however the ratings were still the same and the match wasn’t that impressive. If there was no knowledge of the title change then perhaps the match would be viewed with more interest. Fans would argue this theory, believing that the delivery of the result would be more interesting to watch. The most famous example would be the announcement that Mick Foley winning the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) World Heavy weight title. The announcement caused a dramatic shift change in the ratings giving the WWE the lead in the Monday night wars.
It is a good example but there are many differences between that example and what happened on I
mpact. The first difference was that Foley’s announcement was in a matter of seconds before the match and it was suppose to discourage fans from watching Raw, where as the results of impact wresting was leak out two weeks before the show began to air and the delivery wasn’t that affected.
Out of all three shows, the one the caught my interest was smack down and it was because I didn’t read the spoilers. I enjoyed the street fight between Randy Orton and Cody Rhodes and the rivalry between the big show and Mark Henry is developing nicely. As a result of not reading the spoilers I was able to appreciate the delivery of the matches more and was excited to see what was going to happen next.
Knowledge is always power, but too much of it could leave mystery and the fun out of certain things. If wish to know every thing then by all means do use so with caution. As for me I keep enjoying the mystery

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