Monday, November 14, 2011

Evan Bourne suspend

The tag team division is given a twist, and Evan Bourne is suspended. What does it mean for the Tag Team Titles?

By Carlos M Reynosa  

It was early reported that that Even Bourne was suspended for failing a drug test. The World wrestling Entertainment (WWE) has been stricter with their drug policy by suspending or firing wrestlers who have been under the substance of marijuana. As a result of this being Bourne first time failing a drug test, he received his first warning which is a 30 day suspension with out pay. The next warning would be a 60 day suspension and the final warning would be termination.

However, as a result Bourne being one half of the tag team champions, there were concerns on what was going to happen with the tag team division? Especially when Bourne and Koif Kingston were the only Tag team that was getting most of the media attention as Airboom.  After AirBoom loss last Monday night to the intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes and wade Barret some fans assumed they were going to drop the titles to them. But after this week shows, it seems that they are just not mentioning Bourne on TV and hope no one would notice.

Although it is good to see the WWE take their drug policy more seriously and this was Bourne’s first offense, the punishment was not strict enough. For one thing Bourne is still the champion if they wanted to take their policy more seriously then they should have him and his Tag Team partner, Kofi Kingston, drop the belts to someone else. It is almost if the WWE are under the impression that putting two wrestlers together and have them hold the belts for a year is what make a tag team division. However, in my opinion what make a strong tag team division would be more tag teams. Form many Tag teams as possible, each one with a certain charisma that they could bring to the table and problem like this could simply been resolved.  

By keeping the belts on Airboom the WWE are sending a mix message to other superstars. The message that their leaving is the tag team isn’t important and that not to take their drug policy seriously. Bourne does deserve a slap on risk for this being his first time in trouble, however losing the belts would have been a stronger message to not use marijuana.

Of course keeping the belts could indicate that they are planning a storyline with Airboom very soon. However if they really wanted to be taken seriously then they should really think about their actions.

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