Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Raw is at firing start in the year 2012

A review of the first Monday Night Raw in the year 2012, also who ended the night as the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) champion?

 By Carlos M Rey nosa

It’s a new year, a new beginning, and it appears that Monday Night Raw is a great start in the year 2012. It had good matches such as The World Champion Daniel Bryan vs The Intercontinental (IC) champion Cody Rhodes, and interesting storyline such as R-Truth revenge on the Miz. But one of the three moments on this episode was the storyline John Cena and Kane.

Last week Kane explianed that his recent attack on Cena was his way of enlightening Cena to embrace the hatred that some fans have form him. However, Cena responded by “rising above the hate” and told the audience that they have the right to boo and cheer who ever they want. This concept led to a six man elimination tag match in the main event on Raw. At the last minute Kane was taken out of the match by the interim General Manger’s assistant David Otunga. Although Cena and his surviving partner Zack Ryder were victorious, their celebration was shortened as Kane raisin under the ring and attacked them from behind. Cena escaped for a moment, but return to save Ryder from being dragged under the ring by Kane. Kane may have returned to what Michael Cole called “The Abyss,” but the fire emerging out of the ring left major impression to Cena.

What is interesting about this storyline is that it is giving the impression that Cena may turn Heel (bad guy) soon. For months superstars from the past and present have been accusing Cena of letting the fans that dislike him get to him. Although the WWE won’t take that chance for marketing reasons, it is quite interesting to watch as this is building up his match with The Rock at “WrestleMania.” Will he turn Heel, or will face The Rock just as he is?  

Another match that caught my eye was the WWE title match between CM Punk and Dolph Ziggler. This match happen after Ziggler questionably earned his title shot in a Gauntlet match with CM Puck. Due to the interference by the Executive Vice President of Talent Relations and Interim General Manger John Laurinaits, Ziggler defeated the champion by a count out. Although the title can not change hands in a result of a count out, Ziggler left with the title as if it did.

Laurinaits’s character has been evolving into more of an active role as he takes his feud with Punk in the ring. There has been talk about Laurinaits wrestling again, and with his recent actions it looks like that idea is beginning to process. There has also been talk about CM Punk dropping the title due to lack of ratings. Seeing how fast they are pushing Ziggler in to the main event status, it's possible that they will give the title to him. It would make sense he successfully defend the Untied States title and his wrestling has gotten better over the years. Most likely we will have an answer to this by the Royal Rumble Pay Per view.

However, the moment I believe stole the show was the return of Chris Jericho, as the fans discovered that he was behind the cryptic messages. Although many fans assumed it was Jericho, they were still uncertain, there were rumors that he and the WWE haven’t come to an agreement in his contract. As a plane B, the creative team would have chosen the return of The Undertaker instead. The fans were on their feet roaring as the presence of “Y2J” as he embraced their reaction. However, he just only did that. No speech, no sense of purpose, just him encouraging fans to cheer him. The cheers were turning to boos as the fans grew tire of him and Jericho left the arena leaving everyone confused. A behavior such as this could only mean this is the Heel Jericho, in which he is conceded, arrogant and annoying. Regardless of that is case the fans will continue to cheer him, because as much as they like to cheer him they love to hate him more.

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