Saturday, October 1, 2011

NOCR: Divas Divsion/ fatal four way match

Night of Champions continues with two more matches that were clearly put together as fast as the match itself. However, their endings left the aduience puzzeld of what going to happen next.

by Carlos M Reynosa
Although all two matches had an incredible storyline to building there momentum, unfortunately their performance only proved that they only had momentum to go. So this will be brief review of the next two matches.

 Divas champion Kelly Kelly vs Beth Phoenix

            The storyline between the two was very exciting to watch as it acknowledge or at resembles the problem that WWE Universe has with this division. Along with Natalya nighthart, The Glamazon Beth Phoenix formed the Divas of Destruction to eliminate the WWE modern day diva style of wrestling. They feel what many of the fans feel, that the division has become more focus on look and not necessary about wrestling skills.

However, the Divas champion Kelly Kelly may have Beth and Natalya questioned their belief as she defeated Beth and therefore retained her title for the second time. It appears that the WWE writers feel the need to have the story go through a series of matches before Beth could finally win the title. This strategy has been practice before many times in order to encourage the fans to be more interested. The only problem with this strategy after being performed many times the audience loses their interest and would no longer care.

If there was a night the Glamazon could win the title it would had been last night in her home town Buffalo New York, while the storyline is still interesting to watch. Despite her Heel status (bad girl) she was very much cheered by her fans.

The Fatal
Four Way
for the United States Title

What was interesting about this match was the love triangle on the business side between two of the four opponents that competed last Night.

Vicky Guerrouo, who manages The United States Champion Dolph Ziggler, was approached by Jack Swagger who wished to be on of her clients.  Interested in expanding her service, Vicky agreed to manage Swagger, causing a sense between him and the Untied States champ.
After costing each other matches every week and having wrestlers like Alex Riley and John Morrison being caught in the cross fire, the general manger of Smackdown decide to have all four men compete for the title in “The Night of Champions.”
Because the match was recently thrown together, the WWE Universe was only interested in which client Vicky will help win the match. Although it was a tough decision, Vicky eventually chose Dolph continuing the storyline for Raw.  
It’s understand that both main characters of the storyline were only heels (bad guys) and they needed a good guy for there to be match, they should had a least build some type of hype with Riley and Morrison in which all four men could be equally encourage watch pefromed. k due to majority divas   

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