Sunday, October 2, 2011

NOCR: Mark Henry vs world champion Randy Orton

After all these years Mark Henry had defated Randy Orton and finally beome the world champion, fans are excited for the heel superstar.

by Carlos M Reynosa

Although only two new champions were crowned out of 6 matches, the match that had the most impact of the night was Mark Henry winning the world championship. After 15 years the three hundred and ninety eight pound veteran has finally reached the top of the mountain that he could probably had lift with his bare hands.

This new attitude from the “World Strongest Man,” aroused early this year when Henry was drafted from Raw to Smack down. However, Henry didn’t leave Raw with without an impact when he attacked John Cena just before the show ended. This type of aggression from Henry continued as he single handily injured wrestlers such as The Big Show, Kane, and Vladimir Kozlov and referrers their injuries as an induction to his ”Hall of Pain.”

Despite this path of destruction, Randy Orton was not intimated by Henry’s size and welcomed the challenge. The Viper used his speed and cunning to fight Henry with great bravery, however his speed was not enough to match Henry’s strength as he caught Orton by surprise and defeated him with his signature move, “The Worlds Strongest Slams.”

Regardless of his heal status (Bad Guy), most of the crowd was excited by his victory. Henry reacts coldy to it as he never felt the fans supported him at all.

 Although Henry completed his goal of becoming World Heavy weight Champion, the road of defending his title awaits, especially that he left Orton uninjured.

The match was enjoyable to watch because it acknowledges the strength and speed of each other, the match was more realistic than exaggeration, Unlike Cena’s match were we would dominate his opponents despite their strength and size. Now that the WWE finally Henry acknowledges as a main event status, the possibly of his tilte reign could be endless.

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