Monday, November 14, 2011

Evan Bourne suspend

The tag team division is given a twist, and Evan Bourne is suspended. What does it mean for the Tag Team Titles?

By Carlos M Reynosa  

It was early reported that that Even Bourne was suspended for failing a drug test. The World wrestling Entertainment (WWE) has been stricter with their drug policy by suspending or firing wrestlers who have been under the substance of marijuana. As a result of this being Bourne first time failing a drug test, he received his first warning which is a 30 day suspension with out pay. The next warning would be a 60 day suspension and the final warning would be termination.

However, as a result Bourne being one half of the tag team champions, there were concerns on what was going to happen with the tag team division? Especially when Bourne and Koif Kingston were the only Tag team that was getting most of the media attention as Airboom.  After AirBoom loss last Monday night to the intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes and wade Barret some fans assumed they were going to drop the titles to them. But after this week shows, it seems that they are just not mentioning Bourne on TV and hope no one would notice.

Although it is good to see the WWE take their drug policy more seriously and this was Bourne’s first offense, the punishment was not strict enough. For one thing Bourne is still the champion if they wanted to take their policy more seriously then they should have him and his Tag Team partner, Kofi Kingston, drop the belts to someone else. It is almost if the WWE are under the impression that putting two wrestlers together and have them hold the belts for a year is what make a tag team division. However, in my opinion what make a strong tag team division would be more tag teams. Form many Tag teams as possible, each one with a certain charisma that they could bring to the table and problem like this could simply been resolved.  

By keeping the belts on Airboom the WWE are sending a mix message to other superstars. The message that their leaving is the tag team isn’t important and that not to take their drug policy seriously. Bourne does deserve a slap on risk for this being his first time in trouble, however losing the belts would have been a stronger message to not use marijuana.

Of course keeping the belts could indicate that they are planning a storyline with Airboom very soon. However if they really wanted to be taken seriously then they should really think about their actions.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

reading spoiler alerts

            A brief review of this week’s episode of Raw, Impact, and Smackdown. Plus on opinion on why I prefer to watch wrestling without reading the spoiler alert first.
By Carlos M Reynosa
            This week’s wrestling wasn’t entertaining for me as I watched all three episodes and only found Smackdown exciting.  The Muppets were amusing as they were promoting their first movie in 12 years “The Muppets.” They had a sense of humor that hasn’t been seen in both Hollywood entertainment and wrestling entertainment in a long time. I enjoyed Satino Merlla’s involvement with the Muppets and found interesting to learn that Shamuoes and Beeper are distant cousins.
However what bored me was after months in advance, the Rock agreed to team up with John Cena at Survivor Series. The rest of the night felt predictable and I believe it was due to the advertisement that was already announced. That is the downfall of reading spoilers, once read the magic and mystery of the show is gone and there is no point in watching the show. As wrestling reviewer it is important to know all the news and get it out there as quickly as possible, however, as a wrestling fan it’s more important to be surprised by the out come then to know it.
In impact wrestling fans were already aware of Robert Roode wining the World heavy weight title two weeks in advance. Granted it encouraged fans to watch it, however the ratings were still the same and the match wasn’t that impressive. If there was no knowledge of the title change then perhaps the match would be viewed with more interest. Fans would argue this theory, believing that the delivery of the result would be more interesting to watch. The most famous example would be the announcement that Mick Foley winning the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) World Heavy weight title. The announcement caused a dramatic shift change in the ratings giving the WWE the lead in the Monday night wars.
It is a good example but there are many differences between that example and what happened on I
mpact. The first difference was that Foley’s announcement was in a matter of seconds before the match and it was suppose to discourage fans from watching Raw, where as the results of impact wresting was leak out two weeks before the show began to air and the delivery wasn’t that affected.
Out of all three shows, the one the caught my interest was smack down and it was because I didn’t read the spoilers. I enjoyed the street fight between Randy Orton and Cody Rhodes and the rivalry between the big show and Mark Henry is developing nicely. As a result of not reading the spoilers I was able to appreciate the delivery of the matches more and was excited to see what was going to happen next.
Knowledge is always power, but too much of it could leave mystery and the fun out of certain things. If wish to know every thing then by all means do use so with caution. As for me I keep enjoying the mystery

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A fortunate title shot

James storm’s first Total Nonstop Action’s (TNA) title defense was announced, but will he considerate a fortunate decision.  Also Jerseys shore invadesTNA again for ratings to remian the same.
By Carlos M. Reynosa  
Impact started with the New World Heavily Weight Champion James Storm celebrating with fellow fortune members and friends. However the celebration was short as they were interrupted by Soma Joe who wished to challenge Storm for the TNA title. Joe accused Strom’s title reign will only be defended among his friends and nobody else. This confrontation led to Sting to appear to make an official match between Soma Joe and Storm’s tag team partner Bobby Roode.
Roode was victorious as he stood in the middle of the ring with Storm pondering with the idea that they will face each other next week for the title. Although it was nice to see Soma Joe being useful on the show, He is still being poorly misused and hasn’t gained the audience’s attention in several months. What was once an unstoppable machine is now considered a simple fill in for whenever the TNA writers run out of ideas.
As for the storyline between Roode and Storm, it’s developing nicely. Although it was already announced through spoiler alerts, that Roode will turn on his partner and become the New World Champion, The audience was still excited of how nicely the transition is becoming. However, some the internet fans are furious on the notion that the company wanted them to pay a high price Pay Per-View and the title changes hands on a free taped television show. This type of strategy is rarely used in other companies as a way to keep their shows interesting. But it seems that TNA is constantly using this strategy that the fans are becoming more aggravated than interested.
Also on Impact, it was announced that Ronnie from the T.V. show, “Jersey shore” will be soon appearing on Impact. This would be the third cast member to make an appearance in TNA, and once again received less media hype from it. Not even when one of the cast memeber J  Wow  was actually considering going to be a wrestler, there wasn’t any major media interest. Granted it is important to keep up with the audience interest by bring in celebrities that are currently popular. But when you know target audience is not interested in that celebrity, then you need to move on with a new strategy. Not to say this strategy couldn’t work.
The World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) had successfully advertised Snookie, from the Jerseys Shore television series to appear in Wrestle Mania 27. Although the WWE did not receive a lot of the fan’s interest in the advertisement provided, but it did create a lot of the media attention.  Whereas, TNA who received neither the fan’s interest nor the media attention. TNA must consider revaluating who their fans are and what type of new ideas that they are willing to accept.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Cena wants his partner to bring it

Alberto del Rio’s destiny is still intact as he remains the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) Champion. Plus continuing last night at the Vengeance Pay per-View, Triple H and Kevin Nash came to a hammering twist.

By Carlos M Reynosa

         Following the night after the Pay per View Vengeance, Raw began with the Chief Operating Officer (COO) Triple H responding to Kevin Nash power bombing him in the middle of the ring after his tag team with CM Punk against Awesome Truth, Miz and R-Truth.

            The Game was fed up with his former friend and challenged him to a fight in that moment. Executive of Talent Relation and interim General Manger John Laurinaitis tried to reason with Triple H, but hunter reminded him of each other positions and ordered Laurinaitis to lock Nash into an exclusive contract in order to lure him into a fight. However, it was Triple H that was lured into a trap as Nash was waiting in the backstage to attacked Triple H form behind with a sledge hammer. Nash allowed referees and security escorted him out of the way, but to only to return later to prevent Hunter to be taken inside the ambulance. Nash placed Hunter who was strapped on a stretcher in standing position and struck him with hammer to his head.  Eventually Hunter was sent to the hospital for his injuries.

            The build up for these two superstars is quiet interesting; it’s giving an intense storyline that hasn’t been seen in quite sometime. The fact that the rumors of Nash, Miz, and R-Truth are forming a group makes the storyline even more excited to watch and see what happens next. Although the momentum was good, one can’t forget Nash’s physical health conditions and his history of being on the injured list. Most likely the match between the two will result in stipulation that is in Nash’s favor in regards of his wrestling capabilities and time frame.

 After many months of watching commercials and other advertisements, Cena made the “surprised” announcement of teaming up with his Wrestle Mania opponent The Rock, This due to fact that Cena was constantly being beaten up by Awesome truth and no one from the roster is safe from their attacked, Cena called for the aid of The Rock. It was good storyline to see how theses two superstars who hate each other team together. However, since this was already announced, the surprise appeared to be played out. Granted the purpose of the early announcement was to draw up an earlier crowd, but it would have also help if they did this storyline earlier, or change storyline where there is another reason for teaming up. Despie the spoiler alert, the build up of this match is still encouraged to watch. 

Other storylines that developed on raw was Michael Cole’s challenge to Jim Ross(JR) that if Cole lose to their match he will quit and JR can return to Raw as a commenter.  This match was build up based on the tweet battle between each other over the concept that JR beat Cole in a tag match. Although it would be good to see Cole gone for awhile, I really don’t have any concern for what the out come will be.

Also CM Punk challenged Alberto Del Rio for the WWE title, but unfortunately as Laurinaitis told Punk only he could declare that match and will make a decision next week. The storyline between Punk and Laurinaitis has really developed nicely, not sure were this going because Laurinaitis hasn’t reached his full development yet. Rumors are speculating that he was the secret leader of the new group, and responsible for the unsafe environment that was going around when Triple H was in charge of Raw. However, due to all the chaos that awesome truth caused, if there was a secret leader then it might be someone else.
Raw was enjoyable to watch, it had nice combination between old story lines that were developing, and new ones forming. It’s rarely that the WWE would have something interesting to watch and I hope they don’t blow it as they usually do.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

John Morrison still on the doghouse

Former wrestler Shawn Waltman, commented about John Morrison still being in the “Dog House.” with the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). But has Morrison finally paid his dues?

By Carlos M Reynosa

            Another comment was made about John Morrison being in the “Dog house” since “Wrestle Mania” when Morrison gave former superstar Trish Stratus the cold shoulder after their six man tag team match with Jersey shore’s Snookie as their partner. Stratus may have not made a negative response to Morrison’s behavior, but the WWE took it personally and had Morrison wrestler in mid card status with less media attention. He also would have Job (lose) to other wrestlers in order to give them momentum. Simply put Morrison was placed in the dog house until the WWE decides when they can trust his professionalism again.

Rumors speculated that the reason behind Morrison’s behavior toward Stratus, were due to his real life girlfriend and former Diva (wrestler) Melina who felt that Stratus’ role in Wrestle Mania was more for her. Although this rumor would make sense since the WWE had problems with dealing with Melina and Morrison before; either together or separately, the reasoning behind it wouldn’t.

For one thing, at that time Melina was a Heel (Bad Girl) and Stratus’ role was for a babyface(Good girl). Another reason would because Melina hasn’t been seen in television since she became a heel many months ago. A possible reason for this was because of her backstage behavior. If Stratus would, for reason, not have been able to appear, then her role would have went to one of the two popular divas, the diva’s champion at the time Eve and Kelly Kelly.

It has been several months since Wrestle Manina and there still isn’t any positive change in Morrison’s career. Sean Waltman, formerly know as Xpac in the WWE gave Morrison words of encouragement in a interview about how he wouldn’t stay in the dog house for long.  However he has been in the doghouse before in past situations that sometimes involved Melina. So the real question is not when will he be out of the dog house, but when will it be enough for either Morrison or the WWE to give on each other. Morrison has been in trouble with the WWE for many years that perhaps it is time to think about were is career is going.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Last call for Kurt Angle

By Carlos M Reynosa
On the first week after the Pay Per-view “Bound For Glory,” Impact wrestling lives up to it’s name as the changes in the storyline have left people wanting to see more.
The first change was Hogan returning to his red and yellow day’s thanking Sting for bringing him back as a babyface (Good guy). Normally Total Nonstop Action's (TNA) transitions of a storyline would be questionable, but seeing how “Bound for Glory” is the World Series for the company, it is best to give the show a fresh start.
Later on in the show, Hogan confronts Bischoff and the rest of his former group immortal teh confrontation led to an attempted beat down to Hogan that was prevented by the assistances of Sting.  Although there is a sense of relief of the Immortal storyline appearing finally to be over, Hogan’s involvement is still questionable because of his physical condition. Granted Hogan can still draw a crowd just by showing up, but he is still filling a spotlight that should be filled by someone who can physically helping the company.
What also could be interesting in the storyline is the involvement of Eric Bischoff’s son Garret who was the referee in the match between Hogan and Sting. Refusing to obey his father’s orders that night there seemed to some type of wedge between the two, and its unsure were this going.
The second change that was made was the return of Dixie Carter who was once again the President of the company. In her first night as the President Carter gave Sting the authortiy to run the company as he see fit while she is away taking care of things at TNA headquarters. It is simailar to the stroyline in the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE)when Triple H was running Raw, but hopefully  not too similar as TNA is known for using WWE storylines. Sting agreed and made his first desicion by making a match between Kurt angle and JD Strom for the TNA world championship. Originally Bobby Rhode was supposed to have the title shot, but injuries from last night's Pay Per view caused him to not perform.
The match began with Angle  

Viva La Monday night Raw

   John Laurinaitis began his first night as Interim General Manger Raw with a "sloberknocker" main event, as the (World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) were live in Mexcio City .
    Exective Vice President of Talent Relations John Laurinaitis began his reign as the Interim General manager by publicly appologizing for firing longtime commenter Jim Ross(JR). To make up for his mistake Laurinaritis rehired JR, but as a wrestler in a tag team main event with John Cena as his partner against the WWE Champion Alberto Del Rio and commenter Michael Cole. Laurinaitis felt that this match would settle the difference between the two commenters that has been growing from quite sometime. Later on that night Laurinaitis included that the winner of the match would chose the stipulation of the match Between Cena and Del Rio for the WWE title.
    The match was entertaining in the short time that Cole and JR were in the ring, the match basically involved Cena and Del Rio in which I felt was a good balance between wrestling and entertainment. In the end the match was ended with JR performing the anklie Lock on Cole. A wrestling hold that was taught to Cole by Jack Swagger and have performed it many times on JR. Announcers, Jerry the King Lawyer and Josh Matthews picked on the irony of the moment and gained sense of relief for JR. After the match Cena attacked Del Rio until he was on the ground and began counting with the microphone in his hand, as Del Rio was getting back up Cena then struck him down with the steel steps and began counting again. After finally reaching up to ten, Cena announced to the audience that the match will be a last standing match.
    Also in Raw, CM Punk was double teamed in a singles match as his opponents for the Vengeance Pay Per-view Miz and R-Truth were trying to injure him for this sunday. His Tag Team Partner for the Pay Per view and Chief Operating Officer (COO) Triple H came in to even the Plaing field , but Lauinaitis appeared with immigration to escort Triple H out of the arena. Apparently there were issues in Triple H's paper work which didn't allow him to cross over the boarder. As a result CM Punk was left to be beaten down my Miz and Truth.
    Although the thought of Triple H being an illegal immigrant was personally humorous, the thought of the old rebel Triple H teaming up with the new rebel Cm Punk has caught my attention more.
It seemed that there was theme in Raw as the majority of matches were either tag team matches or a build up to a tag match for Vengeance. Although it would be exciting to see improvement of the tag team division, it is mostly that it could be in preparation of next months Pay Per-view Survivor Series, a Pay Per-view in which the concept is 10 man tag team elimination match. However, seeing how it was different to see actual wrestling in Raw, and Mexico City are used to seeing tag team matches in the traditional luche dore wrestling. I wouldsay Raw was a pretty good show.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

website exopse altered phot of Stephanie McMahon

A website was close down due to the WWE’s discovery of it’s display of the altered nude photos of Stephanie McMahon, as well as other former female wrestlers.  

By Carlos M Reynosa

It was reported earlier that World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) discovered an closed a website that provided nude photos of divas (Female Wrestlers)as well as altered photos of Stephanie McMahon. An emergency meeting was held where they playing the blaming game on each other.

But honestly was this really a surprise to anyone, including the board members that these types of photos would be publicizes with today’s internet resources. Regardless of the proper editing and censorship that the WWE provides on their show, wardrobe malfunctions do happen in an athletic event during a live show. Plus let’s not forget the millions of fans sitting in the arena with their cameras waiting for mistakes happen. Mistakes such as open legs when a diva is lying on the matt, roll up pins that cause the tight shorts and paints to be lowered and simple take down moves that cause shirts to be lifted up by itself exposing cleavage, if they remember to wear them at all

Adding more common sense to the clueless WWE, the photos that were provided on the website were of the years 2001 and 2004 when the WWE was in a business relationship with Playboy Magazine in which the divas were allowed to expose themselves. The shows Raw and Smack down that were once all about attitude would promote these photos by placing in giant billboards in the middle of the ring, or viewed in a large television screen. Yet they are stump by this discovery and finding someone in the company to blame. A company that has for years promoted the Divas as powerful, sexy woman that wears questionable clothing.

Perhaps if they thought about it for one moment they could at least begin to change to their promotion of the divas in a way that the fans aren’t so eager to take those types of photos. Maybe include actual wrestling in their matches for starters, or storyline that people can follow, one that doesn’t involve a lot of sex appeal.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The walk out should had continued

Vince McMahon returned last night on Raw to relieve The Cheif Operating Officer Triple H from his day by day running monday night Raw and to announce the New interim General Manager, John Laurinaitus
By Carlos M Reynosa
Raw began its night with a view an empty backstage, and although there was no commentary to report what was happening, it was safe to assume that the walk out was continuing.
It was later on explained By Chief Operating Officer (COO) Triple H that the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) employees are in the parking lot in a stage of protest, waiting for Triple H to resign as COO.
The WWE Universe were excited to hear that not only that Triple H will remain the COO, but he will be wrestling a broom stick for two hours if necessary to give the WWE Universe an exciting show.
Although it would have been exciting to finally seen how good Triple H really was as a performer, it was not to be as John Cena, Sheamus and CM Punk individually came to the ring and supported Triple H’s belief of settling problems in the ring.
And just when the WWE Universe thought they were finally going to see a match throughout this drama Vince McMahon appeared to interrupt the match between Cena and Shamous as a representative of Board of Directors. Although it was surprise to learned that Vince McMahon still have some power after being released, it is even more of a surprise to hear that Triple H has been relieved of his duties runing Raw and that until they can find a permanent replacement that John Lartituts will handle the day to day basics as Raw's interim General Manager.
The reason being is because the Board of Directors was afraid that the company would be forced to canceling programs and live event, and the cost would have been too much to handle. Granted it is a logical explanation, however, I felt that the storyline ended too soon. They could have a least waited another week because there were a lot potential ideas that could have come out of it.
The WWE employees came back to work where still as a group Christian, David Otunga, Dolpdh Ziggler, Jack Swagger and Cody Rhodes stole the show with their run in attack and other interferences; which was what this group was complaining about. As popular as fast this group becoming, it will probably end after survival series as its concept is a ten man elimination match. Also if the rumors are true then their popularity could overshadow another group invovling Miz, R-Truth and Kevin Nash, that is forming for a major storyline.
However the storyline of John larurinaitus is still interesting to watch as his character progresses with new power. It’s still uncertain weather he was this mysteries person that was sabotaging Triple H's leadership, if such a person exist, but the fact that he fired long time announcer Jim Ross in his home state Oklahoma does leave question unanswered.

Raw loss is smack Down's gain

As a result of the walk out on Monday night Raw, both roster had decided to appear in smack down in continuation of their protest.   
 By Carlos M Reynosa
Smack down was a little crowded last night as the Raw superstars made Friday night their new home on Scifi.
Although the Chief Operating officer (COO) Triple H is in charge of both Raw and Smack Down The World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE ) employees felt that the point was made when they walked out on a show that has already ended, leaving the assumption that they will not attend next week Show.
Smack Down’s General Manger Teddy Long took advantage of this opportunity and allowed the Raw Superstars to compete in Smack Down. To avoid another possible walk out, Triple H chose not to attend Friday night, trusting Teddy Long to run the show by himself.
The WWE employees made valid points about working in a safe environment. Concerning  past wrestling storylines such as random attacks. This weeks attack on the Tag Team champions AirBoom by the United States Champion Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger to get an early win. Shows that not only does it happen, but it’s not out of the ordinary especially when Ziggler and Swagger were among the first superstars to make theses accusations.
Never the less it is good storyline, despite the fact they are leaving the WWE Universe with the assumption that thee attacks will only happen at  Raw. They were able manage to not only be entertain with Smack Down, but to keep them excited to see what will happen on Raw.
In other news The Big Show officially made his return to the ring, explaining his attack on the World Champion Mark Henry.
The Big Show was the first to be inducted in what Mark Henry refers as “The Hall of Pain,” injuring his leg and caused him to be out of action a couple months ago. Now fully healed and fully angered, the 7 foot 500 pound has come back to challenge The Worlds Strongest Man for his World title.
Henry showed up to his challenge, but waited until the end of the show to finally refuse him. Angered by his answer, the Big Show attacked the champion and almost injured his leg as his own. Teddy Long offered The Big Show a title shot if he stopped his attack on Henry, However, it only paused the giant for the moment, causing him to only spare Henry’s leg and attack the rest of his body instead.
Now that Henry has awoken a sleeping giant, how long can he avoid a match with The Big Show before it ca actually happen.

The walk out

By Carlos M Reynosa
            The Chief Operating Officer (COO) Triple H was left standing in the middle of the ring as the employees of the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) Raw and Smack down programs walked out of the arena.
By Carlos M Reynosa
            Since Triple H relieved Vince McMahon of his duties as COO on behalf of the board of directors, The King of Kings was faced with many challenges that left many questioning his new title. Challenges as rebellion superstars, run in attacks, and complaints from wrestlers that were in the process of becoming lawsuits have made it difficult for Triple H to resist the urge of becoming The Game, and more of the COO. However, after last nights “Hell in Cell” Pay per View, those questions had became demanding answers.
After the main event former employees of the WWE Miz and R-Truth snuck in through crowd, entered and locked the door of the cell that was mysteriously lowered again and not only attacked the new WWE champion Alberto Del Rio, John Cena and CM Punk, but the referee and camera man as well. The attack made the Pay Per View more interesting to watch, surprise the audience as they assumed they were going to watch just another cage match. Although they were arrest and escorted out the building, it wasn’t enough for the employees as they came to work the next night frighten that they would be attack again.
As a last attempt to ensure that Triple Hi s under control of the WWE, Executive Vice President of Talent Relations John Laurinalist encourages him to have a “vote of confidence” in the ring with all the employees to hear other opinions and find a common ground.  Although it was the first segment of it its kind, a similar confrontation has happened in the past. The superstar maybe different but it was in relation to Triple H’s leadership.  It was then when Triple H was presented the idea given by Triple H that someone maybe sabotaging him and the attacks won’t stop until he resigns. Despite Triple H’s belief of settling problems in the ring, the employees voted no confidence and by Lawyer’s example walked out in the arena.
Now all by himself Triple H was in the middle of the ring pondering on what to do. If Lawyer is right and someone is purposely sabotaging Triple H’s Leadership, the person would most likely have some type of power of his or her own that would allow such events to occur. Internet rumors are beginning to spread that it is Vince McMahon trying to be rehired through forced, but since relived of his duties no one is sure of what power he does have. Some speculate John Lauinalist who had under minded Hunter before but no one is certain. This mystery person if does exist has caused a lot of excitement for the viewers to continuing to watch.
What is certain that Triple H has to make a decision by next week, or a live audience will have to spend two hours staring at a empty ring with no commentary.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Raw review Miz and R-Truth are realsed.

by order of Triple H The Miz and R-Truth were thrown out of the building for reason that have been yet to expplain. Also Hugh Jack guest hosted for Mondya night and it was a knocked out hit.

In hope in finding logic to the main event at the Night of Champions, it was found instead more confusion as the Chief Operating Officer (COO) Triple H fried Miz and R-Truth and had thrown out of the building.

One assumption for this action would be their interference in the main event with Triple vs CM Punk at “The Night of Champions.” However it doesn’t explain Executive Vice President of Talent Relation and Kevin Nash involvement and why they were being over looked.

Although it was a disappointment to see two popular wrestlers that could had help with tag team division leave, their return will be eagerly waiting for rumors are beginning to spread that Miz and R-Truth will return with Kevin Nash to form so type of NWO Group.
Also on Raw two main event matches were announced for the next Pay per View which is in two weeks called Hell in the Cell. As a result of titles constantly changing hands and the participant have all rematch clauses in their contract, CCO Triple H decided to settle everything in a three dance in a hell in cell match with WWE champion John Cena vs Alberto Del Rio vs CM Punk.

True this match will be historic as it will be the first time a hell in cell match will be holding three men at the same,  but it’s usually hard to find theses matches interesting when they been performed before  and it rarely brings out the best in the wrestlers.

The second match that was announced was Mark Henry vs Randy Orton in Hell in a cell match. This match might be more interesting as it challenges Henry’s strength and Orton’s cunning and speed. The two super stars might had the talent to steal the show.

For the entertainment part of Raw Huge Jackman made a guest appearance to promote his new movie “Reel steel,” a movie about a former boxer and his son trying to find a bond with each other through robot boxing.

Jackman was one of the host that actually had an entertaining purpose for being on the show as he manage Zack Ryder to face the United states champion Dolph Ziggler. Jackman even had chance to knock out the US champ when the referee was looking, giving Ryder the win.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Wolverine took on the US Champion, You know it."

By Carlos M Reynosa

                World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), was given a lot media attention last week, as Hugh Jackman got into in altercation and may have possibly injured a professional Wrestler.

Better know as Wolverine in the X-men movies and as well as other movies other type of movies, Jackman was a guest host of the WWE show Monday Night Raw to promote his new movie “Reel Steal,” A science fiction movie about a former boxer struggling to get by as a father through robot boxing.

   As part of the show, Jackman was having an altercation with the Untied States Champion Doplph Ziggler and manager Vicky Guerrouo that led to match with Ziggler and who Jackman considers as an “underdog,” the internet champion, Zack Rider.

As humorous as it was to see Van Helsing wearing Ryder’s headband and fist pumping chanting “woo woo woo ,  you know it,” no one ever imagined that Jackman would actually get involved and strike Ziggler with a hard right while the referee wasn’t looking, giving Ryder the win.

Since then, media had been following up on Ziggler’s tweeter account where he is stating that his jaw is fractured. However, because professional wrestling is known for exaggeration no one is uncertain that if the rumors are true.

Wrestling is a full contact show but the wrestlers are able to stand much pain. It’s possible that that Jackman may hit Ziggler too hard but wit no serous injuries. Either way it gave both the WWE media attention and Jackman more creditability which could encourage people to see his movie.

NOCR: Trple H vs CM Punk

 Triple H defeated CM Punk, allowing him to contunie being in charge of the WWE day by day opertaions, but how will he handle the confusion that happen in his match?
By Carlos M Reynosa
Controversy emerges at WWE’s Pay per View (PPV)“Night of Champions,” as Triple H remains the Chief Operating Officer (COO) after defeating CM Punk in an unusual matter. The match was based on CM Punk’s constant rebellion to Triple H’ s new position in the WWE. After many insults and accusations towards Triple H and his wife Stephanie McMahon Hemsely, a match was formed with not only a stipulation of no disqualification, but also with the stipulation that if Triple H loses he will no longer be the CCO of the WWE.

             The match was intense as well the crowd, as they were eager to see who would win the match. However, the crowd went from excitement to confusion as the random interference left the fans puzzled to what happened.  

 Interference such Miz and R truth, also known as “Awesome Truth,” who early on lost their tag team title match by disqualification, ran into the ring and began attacking both CM Punk and Triple H. The crowd was confused by this attack because in a match were there must be winner, they weren’t sure who was supposed to win if they were both attacked. The question was finally answered for that moment as Miz and R-Tuth placed the beaten “Straight Edge superstar” on top of the Triple H. However their plan had failed as Triple H kicked out before the third count causing Miz and Truth to beat up the referee for reason that involved a belief conspiracy.   

Adding more to the confusion, the two hated opponents were forced to work together to over power Miz and truth by close lining them out of the ring. Truth would later on prevented CM Punk to for winning the match, for an unknown reason. Executive Vice President of Talent Relation, John Laurinaitis involvement was also raised in suspicion as he prevented the substitute referee for counting the pin for Triple H. Also in the middle of the action, Lauinaitis awkwardly send a text from his phone in which coincidently Kevin Nash entered through the crowd and to the ring, silencing “the voice of voiceless CM Punk with his signature move the Jack Knife power bomb.

Having problems with both wrestlers, Nash began to beat his former friend Triple H outside the ring. However, “The Cerebral Assassin” reached his for sledgehammer, that he is known for having under the ring, and knocked over Nash and retuned to the ring to defeat CM Punk with his signature move the pedigree.

Although “The Game,” had silenced the voice of the voiceless for the moment, it is still unsure if the feud will continue or not until tomorrow. Hopefully there will be answer to the random interference as well.

NOCR: Mark Henry vs world champion Randy Orton

After all these years Mark Henry had defated Randy Orton and finally beome the world champion, fans are excited for the heel superstar.

by Carlos M Reynosa

Although only two new champions were crowned out of 6 matches, the match that had the most impact of the night was Mark Henry winning the world championship. After 15 years the three hundred and ninety eight pound veteran has finally reached the top of the mountain that he could probably had lift with his bare hands.

This new attitude from the “World Strongest Man,” aroused early this year when Henry was drafted from Raw to Smack down. However, Henry didn’t leave Raw with without an impact when he attacked John Cena just before the show ended. This type of aggression from Henry continued as he single handily injured wrestlers such as The Big Show, Kane, and Vladimir Kozlov and referrers their injuries as an induction to his ”Hall of Pain.”

Despite this path of destruction, Randy Orton was not intimated by Henry’s size and welcomed the challenge. The Viper used his speed and cunning to fight Henry with great bravery, however his speed was not enough to match Henry’s strength as he caught Orton by surprise and defeated him with his signature move, “The Worlds Strongest Slams.”

Regardless of his heal status (Bad Guy), most of the crowd was excited by his victory. Henry reacts coldy to it as he never felt the fans supported him at all.

 Although Henry completed his goal of becoming World Heavy weight Champion, the road of defending his title awaits, especially that he left Orton uninjured.

The match was enjoyable to watch because it acknowledges the strength and speed of each other, the match was more realistic than exaggeration, Unlike Cena’s match were we would dominate his opponents despite their strength and size. Now that the WWE finally Henry acknowledges as a main event status, the possibly of his tilte reign could be endless.

NOCR: John Cena vs alberto Del Rio

Cena had put an end to Alberto Del Rio destiny as he regain th WWE tile, The WWE Unvierse are left puzzeld why this was so

By Carlos M Reynosa
While half of the Audience were cheering for joy, the other half were angered of the idea that John Cena wining the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) title from alberto del Rio, making him and eleven time champion.

The build up for this match began back in August when John Cena and CM Punk faced each other to unify the WWE title At Summer slam. Punk may have won tile, but his victory was very short when he was attacked and power bombed by Kevin Nash.

Nash, who was better know as Biddy Cool Diesel in the WWE, and Big Sexy in World Championship Wrestling, left Cm Punk in the middle of ring for reasons that were explained later on.

As a result of Alberto Del Rio’s Money in The Bank contract that allowed him to have a WWE title match when ever he chooses, Del Rio picked the perfect time to cash in brief and become the WWE champion.

Angered by this, Cena claim his rematch clause in his contract to face Del Rio at “The Night of Champions.” Believing that Del Rio had cheated in a perfectly legal manner to win, Cena defeated Del Rio with a sense of justice being made.

This match was left with great confusion because usually when a new champion is crowned, the idea belt being dropped to someone does begin to become a thought much later in months to come. So certain fans questioned why Del Rio was given the title only to have it drop to Cena in the next month. Some fans believe that Cena status is so high and that he no longer needs to tile to build his credibility.

Perhaps this was a testing phase to see the crowd’s reaction and Medias attention if Del Rio were to be a long term champion. This strategy was practice before when Edge won the title for the very first time and had to drop it to, you guessed, John Cena.the next month.  

Also what will it mean by Wrestle mania when he faces The Rock for the very first time.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

NOCR: Divas Divsion/ fatal four way match

Night of Champions continues with two more matches that were clearly put together as fast as the match itself. However, their endings left the aduience puzzeld of what going to happen next.

by Carlos M Reynosa
Although all two matches had an incredible storyline to building there momentum, unfortunately their performance only proved that they only had momentum to go. So this will be brief review of the next two matches.

 Divas champion Kelly Kelly vs Beth Phoenix

            The storyline between the two was very exciting to watch as it acknowledge or at resembles the problem that WWE Universe has with this division. Along with Natalya nighthart, The Glamazon Beth Phoenix formed the Divas of Destruction to eliminate the WWE modern day diva style of wrestling. They feel what many of the fans feel, that the division has become more focus on look and not necessary about wrestling skills.

However, the Divas champion Kelly Kelly may have Beth and Natalya questioned their belief as she defeated Beth and therefore retained her title for the second time. It appears that the WWE writers feel the need to have the story go through a series of matches before Beth could finally win the title. This strategy has been practice before many times in order to encourage the fans to be more interested. The only problem with this strategy after being performed many times the audience loses their interest and would no longer care.

If there was a night the Glamazon could win the title it would had been last night in her home town Buffalo New York, while the storyline is still interesting to watch. Despite her Heel status (bad girl) she was very much cheered by her fans.

The Fatal
Four Way
for the United States Title

What was interesting about this match was the love triangle on the business side between two of the four opponents that competed last Night.

Vicky Guerrouo, who manages The United States Champion Dolph Ziggler, was approached by Jack Swagger who wished to be on of her clients.  Interested in expanding her service, Vicky agreed to manage Swagger, causing a sense between him and the Untied States champ.
After costing each other matches every week and having wrestlers like Alex Riley and John Morrison being caught in the cross fire, the general manger of Smackdown decide to have all four men compete for the title in “The Night of Champions.”
Because the match was recently thrown together, the WWE Universe was only interested in which client Vicky will help win the match. Although it was a tough decision, Vicky eventually chose Dolph continuing the storyline for Raw.  
It’s understand that both main characters of the storyline were only heels (bad guys) and they needed a good guy for there to be match, they should had a least build some type of hype with Riley and Morrison in which all four men could be equally encourage watch pefromed. k due to majority divas   

NOCR : Intercontinental Cody Rhodes vs Ted Debiase

second match of the night of champions is the intercontinental Chanpion Cody Rhodes vs Ted Debiase. Has Debiase learned enough to take on the master or did he realize that he shouldn't have bit the hand the feed him.
by Carlos M Reynosa
Instead of the student surpassing the teacher, the master has shown the student that he has much to learn, as Cody Rhodes retains his Intercontinental Title against Ted Debiase.
It’s been a long road for the former Legacy members to get to this path, but at the same time it has been long wait. The Feud began when they were reunited in Smackdown after Debiase was drafted from Raw with a losing streak. Out of desperation, Debiase followed the path of Rhodes as the Intercontinental champion agreed to mentor him.
However, After Debiase was constantly losing matches and having his mentor place a paper bag over him. Rhodes gimmick as a way to bring shame to his opponents, and to cover the faces of fans that he wishes to no longer see. Rhodes had enough and attacked him, leaving him in the middle of the ring with a paper bag over his head.
     Unfortunately for Rhodes, Debaise had enough and attacked Rhodes through the audience on the last show before the Pay Per View, causing the two face each other at “The Night of champions.”
The Two performed a good type "techniation style" wrestling match. Both countered each others moves nicely. However, the match lacked a certain Charisma as the fans remained quiet throughout. Much more was expected from the two as they are the sons of two Hall of Famers, The American Dream Dusty Rhodes, and the Million Dollar Man Ted Debiase. Although the legends were one of kind and their sons shouldn't be compared to them, with all experience and the fact that they were performing in a title match, one could understand why the expectations were so high.
 It could be the fact that the Heel (bad guy) Debiase was just turned “Baby face.”  (Good Guy) very recently that might have effected the crowds reaction as well. If they wished to continue this feud, then perhaps they need to work on not being so plain.